Heat Stroke Research Paper

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Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are heat related health conditions that may be serious and life threatening if not treated adequately and promptly. These are common in very hot and dry weathers and are mainly seen in the tropical countries. When more blood is pumped close to your skin for cooling, less blood goes to your brain. Bending, squatting or standing up suddenly can result in dizziness or a momentary blackout which can cause secondary injuries or accidents at a job site. If the temperature of the air and surrounding objects in your work area rises above body temperatures, then conduction, convection and radiation cause the body to gain heat instead of losing it.
In this study, the researchers aim to determine the different perspective …show more content…

Exertional heatstroke (EHS) generally occurs in young individuals who engage in strenuous physical activity for a prolonged period of time in a hot environment. Classic nonexertional heatstroke (NEHS) more commonly affects sedentary elderly individuals, persons who are chronically ill and very young persons. Classic NEHS occurs during environmental heat waves and is more common in areas that do not typically experience periods of prolonged hot weather. Both types of heatstroke are associated with high morbidity and mortality, especially when cooling therapy is delayed. When resting, your body loses 75% of its heat through conduction, convection or radiation from the blood vessels just below the skin surface. As your internal body heat rises due to work or high temperatures, surface blood vessels get bigger and the pulse rate goes up. This action puts a strain on your heart and circulatory …show more content…

This situation is a critical medical emergency.
With the influence of global warming, it is predicted that the incidence of heatstroke cases and fatalities will also become more prevalent. Behavioral responses are important in the management of temperature elevations and may provide clues to preventing the development of heatstroke.
This study is conducted in order to determine the different perspective and reaction of the people about the dangerous effects of heat stroke to our body and daily living. Despite all the summer getaway and escapades that everyone are too excited about. One must also consider the possibility of a HEAT STROKE and it is undeniably true that many people is affected by heat stroke especially those people who like to stay under the heat of the sun.