Helen Keller At Perkins High School For The Blind And Deaf

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Helen Keller Oral Report
Helen Keller like most people was a student. But she was no ordinary student and she didn't attend an ordinary school, no, Helen Keller was blind and deaf also known as a deafblind person. So she had to attend Perkins High school for the blind. Helen keller though you may think she had enough on her plate already but, she also was “dumb”, but she wasn't stupid, she just couldn’t talk no matter what. Even if she wasn’t deaf she wouldn't have been able to talk anyway. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia Alabama. After attending the Perkins School in Boston, Massachusetts, Helen Keller entered the Cambridge School for Young Ladies in 1898 as she prepared to enter Radcliffe College. She began Radcliffe in