Helen Keller: One Of America's Heroes

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart," quote by Helen Keller. Imagine waking up not able to see or hear. Everything is a dark black world; gathered all in silence. Helen is most famous for being deaf and blind. Yet, still able to make an impact in the world. Helen Keller is considered one of America's Heroes. Her history and background is unique, her accomplishments are important, and the legacy she continues to leave behind is important to both men and women. Helen Keller's history as a young adolescent has molded her into a role model. This woman by the name of Helen Adams Keller was born June 27, 1880 (Feeney). In a small town of Alabama called Tuscumbia, …show more content…

Yet, it all matters how big of a foot print they've made. Helen Keller has created an impact on our society. Being deaf and blind is something people can't even imagine; but to be both and still change people's lives is inspiring. This woman is an inspiration to everyone. She can motivate anyone and everyone to never give up and to keep going. This woman wrote 14 books and manage to graduate from college (Feeney). This may inspire kids with disabilities to keep moving forward in life and create something great for their selves. Let alone not just her knowledge she had felt the need to help others like herself who are locked up in asylums. Since people had stop teaching the disabled back in 1985 (Berube). Helen had traveled to 34 countries and around the world about 9 times to find kids a free them from asylums (Feeney). While on the journey she visited the wounded service men in WWII. When Helen visited the people she had spoken for Nara stated, "Helen charmed the world with her tales of struggle and triumph." With accomplishments who surpass those of any human that’s not blind nor deaf. Helen continues to be the nation's "supercrip." Helen receives an academy award in 1955 for a document all about her and later on won another academy award for being in the very first silent film known as "the Miracle Worker" by William Gibson (Feeny). Helen never stopped working hard and she never gave up hope of believing she can become something …show more content…

Through all of Helen's life experiences she has created a life that is exceptional. After winning over 2 academy awards, wrote many books, and helped wounded servicemen; Helen became a role model. She had been diagnosed with two disabilities and mange to overlook it as a true blessing. Helen has left behind a remarkable legacy that shall be remembered for many years. Helen Keller will forever and always be known as a