Henry Ford Impact On Society

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The car might be the most important invention of this day and age. It is something that everyone uses almost every single day. The most important model of car to first cross the United States was the Ford Model T car from 1908, and we can say that it has revolutionized the world that we live in. Think about how different the world would be if we still used horse and carriage today. It would be crazy! The car was invented to make every day traveling easier, but now people use these inventions to travel cross country.
Henry Ford was a man who changed the automotive world. Sure, this is a household name and car, and it is important that we know a little more about the man who brought the name ‘Ford’ to us. Ford was born on July 30, 1863, and …show more content…

Henry Ford, in 1908, created the Ford Model T Car which caused him to later start his new line of assembly. In 1913, Henry Ford had launched the first moving assembly line built for mass production of automobiles. With this invention, the amount of time it took to build the automobile decreased from 12 hours to just two and a half and another benefit was the decrease in the amount it took to manufacturer these Model T cars. With the decrease of hours to manufacture the car, the price of the car was also made affordable for everybody, the cost of the car went from $850 in 1908 to $310 by 1926. The invention of this new assembly line helped Ford sell millions of cars and helped him to become a world-famous car manufacture. Not only did this invention have the above benefits, but it also helped people in the job prospect. In 1914, Henry Ford introduced the $5 wage for an eight-hour workday, which was double what workers were previously making, this was Ford’s way of keeping the best workers loyal to him. This man may have been one of the smartest business and engineer men in his …show more content…

Henry Ford had been thinking of ways to increase the making of his vehicles while also keeping the price low, and that is when the assembly line came to mind. He hired smart and effective people to help with the creation of the line, he even hired a man by the name of Frederick Taylor who was a motion-study expert to help in perfecting the assembly line. He hired people to build the car step-by-step while he worked on the assembly line. The machines that he built would create the parts automatically, and they also did it a lot faster than his workers. His invention was inspired by the production methods used by flour mills, canneries, breweries, and bakeries. He also took inspiration from meat-packing plants. To go into more detail, workers would build motors and transmissions on a rope-and-pulley-powered conveyor belt. In February 1914 he added a mechanized belt that worked at a speed of six feet per minute. With the great invention of Ford, he was able to roll out 10-millionth Model-T on June 24,