
Hinduism Is A Religion Based On Dharma And Karma

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What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is a religion that is based on “Dharma” and “Karma”. Dharma is the rules of living while karma are your actions.

Dharma is an important term in Hinduism. In Hinduism it means 'duty', 'virtue', 'morality', even 'religion'. Dharma is the power that maintains society, and makes us moral people or rather gives humans the opportunity to act virtuously.

Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is 'action'. It refers to the law that every action has an equal reaction either immediately or at some point in the future. Good or virtuous actions, actions in harmony with dharma, will have good reactions or responses and bad actions, actions against dharma, will have the opposite effect.

This process of reincarnation …show more content…

As the argument became heated, Lord Shiva had to intervene. Shiva took the form of a gigantic linga (the phallic symbol of Shiva). The lingam was made of fire and it extended from the heaven to the underworld. The lingam told both Brahma and Vishnu that if any of them could find the end of the lingam, He will be declared as the greater of the two. Both Brahma and Vishnu agreed to the deal and set out in opposite directions of the lingam to find its end. But as they kept searching for years, they realized that the lingam had no end. Vishnu realized the fact that Shiva was the greatest among the Trinity. But, Brahma decided to trick Shiva. While he was on the search of the end, he passed the flower of Ketaki at the uppermost part of the lingam. He requested the Ketaki flower to testify before Shiva that Brahma had reached the uppermost part of the lingam and had seen the end. The Ketaki flower …show more content…

Vishnu is a god in Hinduism who is responsible for preserving and protecting the universe. His role is basically to return to Earth in troubled times and keep the balance of good and evil equal. He is one of the gods in the trinity which consists of three gods that are responsible of upholding the world.

What does Vishnu look like?
Vishnu is represented with a human body, often with blue coloured skin and with four arms. His hands always carry four objects in them, representing the things he is responsible for. The four objects are:
The conch: the sound this produces 'Om', represents the primeval sound of creation
The chakra, or discus: symbolises the mind
The lotus flower: an example of glorious existence and liberation
The mace: represents mental and physical strength

What is Vishnu’s lifespan?
Vishnu’s age is 7 times the age of Brahma which was 100 divine years so, Vishnu’s age is 700 divine years. In Earth years, that 2 quadrillion 177 trillion 280 billion years.

Is Vishnu worshipped if so how and where?
Yes, Vishnu is worshipped. He is mostly worshipped at temples in India where his devotees go there to pray. Also, Thursday is a special day for Vishnu by which people may fast or consume only one meal of only yellow food, wear yellow, and offer flowers to the

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