
Hiroshima Bombing Research Paper

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings Of all the happenings in World War 2, the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombings are without a doubt one of the most influential and controversial events. The dropping of the atomic bombs has left a lasting effect on modern history, apart from leaving Japan in devastation it was ultimately the end of World War 2. Though the immediate effects of the Japan were shocking, modern society has is some ways benefited from the decision to drop the bombs. The atomic bombs of 1945 will forever be remembered as one of the most devastating events in modern history. The immediate effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were incredibly devastating and were in due course what has made the bomb so infamous today, though …show more content…

Reactions in Japan from relief to anger to sorrow but some say the bombings had made it possible for the Japanese to surrender with honour. Other critics have argued that “By August 1945 the war was practically over and Japan was ready to surrender, therefor the atomic bombs caused grossly unnecessary suffering mostly for innocent civilians.” But the evidence from the text rightly confirms that without the use of the Atomic Bombs Japan would have continued to fight, and more innocent lives would have been lost. Therefore use of the atomic bombs may have caused absolutely devastating effects but ultimately gave Japan a reason to surrender with honour and save millions of …show more content…

Evidence support that Japans economy has benefited from the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japans recovery was astounding, within 20 years industrial and commercial power, that attracted worldwide respect. It was as though wartime destruction aided Japan as its brand new factories and other industrial plant were of the latest design and often more efficient than those of its competitors, this outcome is considered due to Americas and the Allies support after the end of the war. Today Japan in the 2nd largest country in the world and the 9th largest manufactures. Though the memories of destruction are still present it is believed that an atomic war in not likely to occur again as no one wants to relive the horror that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused. This is supported by that fact that 5 years after the war came the non-proliferation treaty, an attempt to prevent more countries from making nuclear weapons and by 1963 all countries except for Israel, Pakistan, India and South America signed the nuclear test-ban treaty. Hiroshima had become a world peace centre, Kyoshi Tanimoto

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