Hispanics Higher Education

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According to a Pew Research Center survey “among Hispanics ages 25 to 29, just 15% of Hispanics had a bachelor’s degree in 2013” (Krogstad). This is worrying; it is great to analyze the lack of Hispanics higher education in the United States and the State of Kansas something that one cares about by using statistics and information about the racial gap in educational attainment that explains the lower rates in Hispanics. Hispanics lowest rates of college degree attainment are a result of immigration growth, parental lower incomes, family socioeconomic status, family cultural background, and poor parental involvement. One of the causes for the low rate of educated Hispanics is the Central American immigration population continued grow. The …show more content…

Parents cannot afford the cost of a college education and less Hispanics enroll in college. Hispanics with the lowest family income reach the lowest educational attainment as depicted on Graph #1. Hispanics low paying jobs affects the family income, the family economic success and the Hispanics attendance in college contributing to the low rate of college educated Hispanics. Low-income families’ young adults living in poverty do not attend college placing themselves in academic disadvantage. In addition, Hispanics have certain disadvantages, of one way or another, of even graduating from high school. Although the Hispanic high school dropout rate continues to fall according to the City University of New York (CUNY), Hispanics have by far the highest (14%) high-school dropout rate of any group in the country compared to Blacks (7%), Asians (1%) and Whites (2%). Depicted on the graph, high school dropouts (no-High School) earn less than half what graduates make, college graduates make about eighty percent more than high school graduates, and those with graduate degrees make about two-and-one-half times more than high school graduates. Family income influences college attendance and the differences in education levels explain why less education translates to low paying jobs and low family …show more content…

Socioeconomic obstacles impede the academic achievement of students. “Hispanics have poverty rates that are two to nearly three times higher than whites; and 40 percent of their population is foreign born” (“Hispanics: Special Education and English Language Learners”). Living in poverty affects educational attainment. There is a gap in the educational outcomes because of socioeconomic status (SES). Moreover, the American Psychological Association (APA) states, “large gaps remain when minority education attainment is compared to that of Caucasian Americans”. For example, Hispanics are the largest minority group in the nation, “in 2005 the high school dropout rate of Latinos was the highest, followed by those of African Americans and American Indians/Alaska Natives (“Ethnic and Racial Minorities and Socioeconomic Status”). White students had a dropout rate of 2%, 6% for Hispanics in the United States while Hispanics Kansans had a 3.6% dropout rate. This fact corroborates a correlation between Hispanics high school dropout rates, lower college enrollment and the Hispanics low SES that contribute to the low rates of Hispanics educational attainment in the State of Kansas and the United