Hispanic Population Case Study

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What do the US Census statistics reveal about the needs of the Latino population and the allocation of political resources?

The U.S census, reveals that the Latino population has being increasing exponentially, that very soon will be the majority in the country. However, the percentage of Latinos pursuing higher education is not matching with the growth of the population. Therefore, Latinos have being marginalized in the sense of higher education in the U.S, since the specific policies don’t have the support needed or resource finacially to pursue higher education. Additionally, budget cuts for public schools happen every year, that creates bigger class sizes but not the sufficient teachers or rooms to provide a proper academic environment. …show more content…

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If the rate of latinos following higher education does not increase. Latinos with lower education will have higher chances of being unemployed . Due to global economy, U.S jobs can be expanded to people overseas, who have the requirements they are looking for. Therefore, the need for people with no or low education will not be in high demand. Upon reading articles on the subject, seems that Latino population is one of the groups that is growing at a exponetial rate. However, the low percentage of Latinos attending four year University is way far from the population growth. However, even the Latinos that attend college, don’t get to graduate from the University, either because finacial crisis, physically/mentally problems, etc. Through the interships of Project connect, I get to learn deeply about the resources around my campus, and be able to pass the word around my classmates. Interships like project connect is a excelent example of helping Latinos to graduate from the University, since it exposes them to the resources to take advantage from them. Inspite all the cons of Latinos not keeping up with pursuing higher education. Latinos are able to find ways on how to improve themselfs by becoming entrepreneurs, taxpayers, and job creators. Thus being able to help the future generation of Latinos to have a higher opportunity in following higher