Historical Figure Essay: Carrie Fisher As A Role Model

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Historical Figure Essay: Carrie Fisher If I could meet any historical figure, it would be Carrie Fisher. Even though she only recently died, her history in America, mostly in Hollywood, is almost the stuff of legends. She was a champion for mental health awareness after finally accepting her diagnosis, was a role model for other women in her field and was just so genuinely herself in everything she did throughout her later years in life, she’s always seemed like someone you can really sit down and talk to and learn from easily. Carrie Fisher was a Hollywood star, constantly in the public eye, but how she used that spotlight to showcase real issues in America as a whole is what makes her an important historical figure. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder sometime in her mid-twenties but refused the diagnoses until she was 28 when she checked herself into a 30-day rehab center after an almost fatal overdose she claimed that after this overdose, she realized that there was no other explanation for her behavior. Before, she only thought she was an addict, and that’s how she explained away her behavior. She even decided to undergo electric shock therapy, giving minor details about this experience in an interview with Oprah in 2011. Carrie used her fame to shed light on the ugly, nasty …show more content…

“Don’t get loaded your whole fucking life. I got loaded my whole fucking life. You have to learn, and unfortunately, it takes a lot of lessons for some of us to get it right.” Carrie has never been one to mince words, and much like how people supported our current president for this in his campaign, its one of the many reasons why I love interviews with Carrie. She embodies everything I would hope to be. She admits her faults, and she learned from them and became incredibly confident and strong from her