Hitchcock Panic Room Analysis

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ON CONTEMPORARY DIRECTORS AND THEIR INFLUENCE Modern directors take a leaf out of the books of early directors all the time; be it in a form of a shot, character traits, or just generic similarities, it has all been done. These contemporary directors tread the thin line between plagiarism and influence with great competence, and produce work which is bound to go down in the vaults, like the ones they took inspiration from. Owing to his unconventional shooting methods, Hitchcock has a whole genre of filmmaking eponymous to his name. These ‘Hitchcockian’ movies have a distinctive tinge of thrill and suspense to them. A self established auteur, his filmography is marked with his idiosyncratic style. He preferred collaborating with the …show more content…

The most discernible is the opening sequence, where the credits hover in three dimensional over New York City buildings, exactly like the opening credits in North by Northwest (1959). The story, though, is like another Hitchcock film, Rear Window (1954), where the protagonist is enclosed in a space, unable to move. This action restricting move causes tensions in both the characters of the movie, and the audience in the theatre. There are several other parallels between Hitchcock and Fincher, but not owing to inspiration or permeation. Both the directors have experimented with voyeurism, and opening title sequences. Both are infamous for using intricate storyboards prior to the filming process. Also, both the directors have somehow gone unnoticed by the Academy; perhaps because both have had trouble with censor boards, and both decide to go the extra mile to disconcert their audiences. As the Master of Suspense so eloquently put himself; “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible”.3 CITATIONS 1. "The Hitchcock Effect." The Museum of Film History. 1 Feb. 2012. Web. 4 Apr. 2015.