
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Analysis

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The well renowned best seller “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” was written in 1979 presenting remarkable innovation for that time period. Douglas Adams the author was clearly a visionary incorporating elements such as “the book inside the book” and touch sensitive screens to entice audiences. The presentation today on this novel, was invaluable as it encouraged for a deeper understanding and awareness of cultural and contextual differences due to the time lapse.
The process of working in a group, helped to facilitate a wide variety of perspectives due to the gender and cultural differences. Working in the group many unique viewpoints of the text were provided, thus raising awareness of numerous aspects of the book such as: author’s motivation behind the book, language devices utilised and the variance of cultural and contextual perspectives within the group.
The presentation began with a discussion of the author’s motivation in writing the book. One group members shared their knowledge in regards to Douglas Adams and how the idea of the book came to be. This group member explained the history of the book, detailing how Adams on a tour around Europe in 1991, was said to have stated “Wouldn’t be cool if someone wrote a hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy,” whilst drunk one night. …show more content…

For some instances the language throughout could be seen as a culture barrier with some of the slang and gibberish utilised proving quite difficult to understand. This can make reader confused in a way that their only response would be to laugh or have a smile. For example, “O’freddled gruntbuddy,” (56) and when it is said that “drinking a Galactic Gargle is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large old brick,” (17). None the less, with cultural barriers aside, the unique language incorporated overall aided in the humour of the

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