
Analyzing Clifton Evers 'You' Re The Voice

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Meaning can be created though different text types some of these include songs, cartoons and speeches they can all influence a target audience. All of these can act as different ways to get a message across they all have persuasive techniques. Evidence of text can be found in “You’re The Voice” by John Farnham it has catchy lyrics with a strong message, the sorry speech spoken by Kevin Ruud which was very powerful and a cartoon called boat people by Clifton Evers is a good example of a cartoon that has a meaning.
Texts can take the form of numerous methods such as song, speech and graphics and can all have a meaning. There are many different texts with meanings they come in different forms to get their target audiences attention. If someone wants to get a message to young people a good way would be to make a song like “you’re the voice” …show more content…

In “You’re the voice” the language had a powerful meaning to it and it is catchy. The tone of the song is a call to action. This song has an intended audience for young adults and adults, a quote from the song says “we’re not going to sit in silence, we’re not going to live with fear”, and has a strong message. The language used in Ruud’s speech was powerful and had a strong message. His speech has an apologetic tone, the intended audience is the aboriginals because that’s who Ruud is apologising to. The carton “boat people” has seriousness but also a bit of humour in it. Its tone is sarcastic and they intended audience is young adults through to elderly. A quote from the cartoon when the Australian politicians are trying to come to Australia says “But… But… But that’s INHUMANE”. The different texts aren’t very similar in language because they have different meanings and they differ in the use of comedy and they all have different target audiences. Language is very significant in having an influence but it is not a critical part of

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