Analyzing James Vlahos 'Artificially Yours'

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In the article “Artificially Yours” by James Vlahos, Mattel has a new Barbie in the market. Hello Barbie is a doll in which has been inserted artificial intelligence (A.I). With the help of ToyTalk, a company based in San Francisco, Mattel was able to come up with a Barbie that would be able to talk to millions of little girls. Hello Barbie has gone through a lot of modifications since her first appearance to the public. Modifications done to Mattel’s new Barbie was that her thighs were slightly thickened to fit a rechargeable battery and a mini USB charging port was installed in her back. However, not only her body was modified, but her accessories as well. Barbie’s new necklace would include a microphone that would be activated when a user