Holland Code Letter

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c. E: Actuarial Science is not for the faint of heart. This is a degree path and career that demands much yet offers high reward. In my interview I was told that those who become actuaries and those who become the best of actuaries all share common values, ambition, aggression, and resilience (Prechtel). All of which are key traits of the Holland Code Letter E. This is present in the Actuarial Science code because the path to becoming a fully certified actuary is long and arduous, 4 years of intense school and anywhere from 5-20 years of taking exams after graduation culminate into the beast that is Actuarial Science (Prechtel). And in order to withstand the pressure of the certification process and the career itself, one must have the aforementioned …show more content…

My Holland Code is CIE. The Self-Directed Search Educational Opportunities Finder states that Actuarial Science has a Holland Code of ISE, which would result in a congruence score of 8 or an average fit for my personality. However, the Strong Interest Inventory gave Actuarial Science a Holland Code of CIE which would be a perfect congruence score of 18. I think the difference here stems from the different types of Actuarial Science work/careers that are available. While one could see this as a deterrent for picking this major I simply view it as more of a guideline of the type of work I should do in Actuarial …show more content…

I believe Actuarial Science is a very good fit for someone with the MBTI score of ISTJ (Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging). The I, or Introversion, attribute makes an individual more likely to focus on themselves and less on others. This would aid an Actuary as much of their work can be very isolated from the world. For someone who has difficulty engaging with others this would make this job very good fit. Further, the major is heavily based on exams and independent work (with some exceptions) so being more comfortable with isolation would make this major easier for that person. Whereas someone who enjoys or requires social engagement might find themselves disappointed or unfulfilled by this major. The S, or Sensing, attribute tends to mean a person is more focused on the here and now. While this attribute may not be an ideal fit for Actuarial Science at Purdue, as the N or Intuition trait could be viewed as more in line with Actuarial Science because it brings a focus of the big picture and future possibilities, much like the work of an Actuary. The Sensing trait still has aspects that are a good fit for Actuarial Science. For example, some course work in the Actuarial Science major requires analyzing large sets of data and understanding their impact, being able to narrow one’s lens and focus in on the moment, like the Sensing attribute does, could be a very reliable and handy skill in the major (STAT). The Thinking trait can most closely be associated with