Home Sweet Home Ethos Pathos Logos

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Home Sweet Home
In 2006, the organization known as “ASPCA” first surfaced due to an emotional rollercoaster of a commercial they had produced. ASPCA is a charitable organization that donates the proceeds collected to rescue animals from cruelty events such as dog-fighting, puppy mills, hoarding, and neglect as well as many other situations. The animals are then provided with food, shelter, and any other care they may be in need of. Throughout the ad, the producers provide the viewers with multiple uses of ethos, pathos and logo to create a visual representation of what those watching the ad can do to benefit the animals shown.
During the beginning of the video, the camera man captures animals in distress then continue on to Sarah McLachlan …show more content…

The camera angles are from outside of the dog cages showing the living conditions they go through daily. While Sarah is on screen the scene is shot inside of a neutral colored house. The house is used to show what animals could be living in versus the living conditions they are currently in.
Using Sarah McLachlan as the spokesperson in the video develops a sense of credibility for the organization considering she is a well known singer/ songwriter. By using her own song as the background music, it shows the amount of dedication she contains for the organization and what it stands for.
The emotional rollercoaster that the ad sends you on is their way of showing pathos. The multiple views of animals suffering within cages and shelters, animals after abuse, timid animals and Sarah’s serious presentation gives the viewer the idea of what the animals go through. The video starts of with the sad faces of abused animals making the viewer upset seeing that everyday many animals are put through life changing events possibly costing their lives. After Sarah mentions that for just a small amount of money each day you can completely turn around an animals life you start feeling a rush relief. The relief is caused by a glimpse of hope embedded into those viewing the ad seeing that one person can make a huge difference for multiple