Homeland Security Pros And Cons

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The basic unit of analysis in the proposed study is individual. To clarify, the individuals are people who live in America. The population of interest for this research proposal are individuals that lived in America before the year 2002, up to the present year now 2016, that know about the events that took place on 9/11. The study would be considered longitudinal trend, because my research proposal compels me to find out the impact of Homeland Security on our nation over the course of years, so I will be gathering samples from different people in the same population over different periods of time. Collecting analysis throughout the years since it has been established to review its impacts on America. The research method that I would like to push …show more content…

The pros of this choice are high rate of honest responses, full length responses to opened ended questions, and no misunderstanding of the question that the survey ask because they will be able to ask me a question if they do not understand the question. This will most likely increase the chances of the individual to be able to fully answer the survey to their best capability in the sampling. Another benefit from this method is that I can conduct the survey to be done in a calm and controlled setting so nothing can disrupt the participant’s answers regarding to the survey or interview. The cons to this research method consist of the individual feeling under pressure or not comfortable with expressing their self. The thought of opening up in front of a complete stranger is tough on them, while the thought of being judged or looked down on for their opinions. Each individual who comes to participate for the in person interview or survey must be treated the same to decrease the chances of the interviewees words or action to influence a participant to think differently. The interviewees must be prepared and