Honors Housing

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ESSAY ONE (minimum 300 words) -Community can be defined as a number of people living in the same area and linked by common values, practices, and goals (Spitzberg & Thorndike, 1992). Describe an experience in which you made a positive difference in a community you are a member of. What did you learn about the concept of “communities” from this experience, and how do you see these lessons playing out when forming a community in Honors Housing? One way that I dedicate time to my community is by volunteering at my local YMCA. I volunteered for SNAP (Special Needs Adaptive Program), where once a week, I would help a student with one-on-one swimming instruction. I quickly bonded with the kids in the class and enjoyed going there to talk to them and teach them how to swim; their ultimate goal being to …show more content…

On some days, not enough volunteers would come for the program and it made it difficult because we could no longer work one-on-one, and some of the kids would run around and lose focus. But on days where all the volunteers came the classes were fantastic; multiple volunteers could work with one kid and it was just so simple to run everything. The classes were way more fun when more people were there and it made it easy to play games and get to know everybody. This knowledge about communities will help me in forming a community in the Honors Housing because I know that to get involved and be a full member of the community, I have to not only participate in events and meet people, but also encourage others to take part in events. Communities do not develop just because you live in a similar area, but because you bond and get to know the people in …show more content…

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