Honors Physical Science Textbook

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Honors Physical Science, the science class of the Revere freshmen who pursue the most rigorous coursework, allows students to understand the characteristics and behaviors of substances via lab-based instruction. The Introductory Physical Science textbook provides information that is beneficial in the overall understanding of physical science. The textbook covers material both with written explanations and with images for further comprehension. Descriptions of labs in this textbook guide those taking the course with directions so that students may find out themselves the nature of samples studied and the answers to questions provided in the textbooks. Additionally, the labs enhance students’ understanding of the material, as a more involved and hands-on approach to learning provides a deeper grasp of concepts discussed in the text. Through eight chapters, HPS students learned about characteristic properties, elements, …show more content…

It can be used, as all properties of substances can be, to differentiate between substances, as well as identify them. The concept of graphing was also introduced in chapter three. Graphing is a beneficial way to show trends of data and compare sets of data in a concise and visual manner. For instance, one could create a graph showing the temperature of numerous liquids as each liquid boils, and show the exact boiling point in the form of a plateau on the graph. Boiling point of a liquid is a characteristic property. A liquid will boil at the same temperature, and many different liquids have boiling points that are much different from one another. This fact can be used not only to distinguish/identify liquids, but also to separate liquids in a mixture. Though boiling point is constant according to substance, boiling point and air pressure vary directly. This means that boiling point is lower at high altitudes than at sea