
How Apathy Effected My Personal Statement

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Throughout my years in secondary school, I found myself lacking motivation to excel. Apathy hindered my ability to apply myself in the classroom, rarely ever making school a priority. Much of it stemmed from my father, being a first generation migrant from Iran, often had to focus his attention on working and supporting our family rather than emphasizing academics. My two siblings and I share the same overall high school experience, with the exception of me being the only one to graduate on-time. Consequently, I struggled to find purpose while in school, not truly acknowledging the importance of my obtaining an education. The final grades denoted on my transcript are predominately Cs and Ds, I never earned the grade of an A in high school. I was perpetually indifferent towards any poor grade I earned. Upon graduation of high school, I pondered to myself whether I would ever be able to achieve any goals I set for myself. …show more content…

I subsequently enrolled at Frederick Community College. Against the advice of my counselor and several peers, given my past academic record, I enrolled in a five class, sixteen credit schedule. My college career would be vastly different than that of high school. The degree I would be completing (Business Administration) had purpose; I had a reason to attend each class. My goal was to make my college career an academic success, rather than a relapse of my dull high school career. It proved to be an incredibly daunting task. I was devoid of skills normally acquired throughout one’s high school years. I taught myself how to study, how to pay attention in class, and most importantly how to succeed. Additionally, I worked a part-time job at a grocery store to help pay for my tuition. My efforts proved to not be in vain as I earned grades higher than I ever achieved throughout grade school, which placed me on the Dean’s List of my

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