How Are Romeo And Juliet's Actions Motivated By Love Or Hormones?

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Topic: Are Romeo and Juliet’s actions motivated by love or hormones? Introduction Paragraph: Many people debate whether Romeo and Juliet acted on love or hormones. Romeo and Juliet had a connection since the first day they met, they are star crossed lovers. They had a very deep love for each other at a young age. Their love can truly inspire young teenagers that love is real, and could happen at any given moment. Romeo and Juliet have acted through love rather than hormones, and showed their love throughout the whole play. Body paragraph #1 Reason: They fell in love as soon as they met. Evidence: “ Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (Shakespeare 1.v.52-53). The day of the Capulet …show more content…

She loved him but wished that his last name would be different because they both come from families that have an ongoing feud against eachother. Romeo was so in love that he was willing to disrespect his family's name to marry Juilet. Body paragraph #3 Reason: They were willing to go against their families. Evidence: “Is she a Capulet? O dear account! My life is my foe’s debt” (Shakespeare 1.v.117-118). The Montagues and the Capulets had a rivelry. Romeo and Juliet's love towards eachother goes against what their families want for them. However Romeo and Juliet ignore their families and still decide to get married, even though their families don’t agree. Counterclaim Some people may say that their love was too quick, and was caused because of their hormones. In the play Romeo says, “Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged” (Shakespeare 1.v.107). This quote shows how Romeo wasnt thinking about all of the consequences that would happen if he were to kiss her. He wanted to know if Juliet wanted him back, because had already gone through a sad time when Rosaline rejected him, and he didn’t want to go through the pain