
How Are Women Affected By Divorce

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Divorce is permanent and it affects more than just one person, it is a situation that is becoming more known and common. Almost anyone in the United States knows of at least one couple that has gotten a divorce. The word divorce, tends to be a scary word, no one ever wants to have to go through such a heartbreaking moment in their life. Divorce is defined as when two people that have a marriage license are split up and no longer married or seeing each other. For a divorce to happen one of the spouses will have to start a divorce petition; that is when one of the spouses writes the petition and gives it to the other spouse to sign stating that they are getting a divorce. The petition is then taken to a courthouse where one of the spouses lives …show more content…

When women go through a divorce, they try to cover how they feel because they want to be strong for their children and they do not want the public seeing how they truly feel. They want their children to think that everything is going to be okay, since the children look at their mother as if she is their role model. When going through a divorce, it can be very stressful for women as they face many difficulties. Women have a hard time opening up to men once they have gone through a divorce and they are often picky when it comes to men meeting their children. Women do not always receive child support from men even though they are suppose to, this could hurt the women financially being a single parent raising a child. “Women that receive child support, the child support may not be enough to cover all the expenses meaning that a newly divorced mother could face financial hardship” (Cain). Women that go through a abusive divorce feel as if they are a stronger person, it allows them to see that they can stand up for what they want. When going through a regular divorce the woman could feel depressed, not be able to sleep at night and have a lack of appetite. Even if they divorce was not the woman's fault it could still make her feel as if she is a failure, since she tried so hard to have a healthy …show more content…

If children are experiencing one of the spouses physically or mentally abusing the other spouse and there is a divorce filled then that is a positive. The child will not see that kind of abuse anymore which allows them to know that abuse is not okay in a relationship. It allows one of the parents to feel stronger by them standing up for theirself to get out of the abusive marriage that they were in. “The parents experience personal growth after the divorce because divorced individuals have to become self-sufficient and cope with the pressures of everyday life by themselves” (Wood). Divorce allows you to get out of a relationship with someone that has a different outlook on marriage than you and it allows you to get away from someone that is controlling and demeaning you. It allows you to get away from that person so you can build a healthy and perfect life with yourself and your

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