How Children Are Exposed And Victimized By Sexual Abuse Children

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Sexual Abuse/Violence

Sexual Abuse Definition: Sexual abuse is any form of sexual contact that is not consensual. Sexual abuse can happen to men, women and children of any age.

Sexual abuse can include a number of different acts such as calling your partner malicious and derogatory names, neglecting to use contraception, purposely causing physical pain during intercourse, purposely transferring diseases or infections to sexual partners and using objects or toys without consent to inflict pain and/or humiliation.

Child Sexual Abuse Definition: Any sexual acts carried out on a child by an adult or an older sibling.

How Children Are Exposed And Victimized By Sexual Abuse

Sexual acts …show more content…

Damaging their minds, their innocence and their ability to function in society. Sexually abused children are often afraid of people and places. They are often skittish and have problems communicating with other children and adults. A child who has been sexually abused is most likely to have self-esteem problems, poor communication skills and problems building relationships. A female that has been sexually abused will have troubles building a relationship with the opposite sex and will be more likely afraid of a specific gender, most likely males but in some cases females. A male that has been sexually abused won’t have as many problems building relationships but those relationships will be based off of abuse because the individual believes it to be …show more content…

There are differences between younger children who have been abused and older children who have been abused but they both will have sudden changes in behaviour, difficulties in school and problems relating to peers.

5 Step Process To Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse
1. Have “The Talk” With Your Child

Teach your child the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching. Teaching your child that they have parts on their body that are private will protect them from

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