How Could Physicality As An Attribute In Leadership Limit Ministry

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Moses Adeola, Thank you for an interesting post and questions.

“How could physicality as an attribute in leadership limit ministry leaders’ focus? How much of physicality dimension as an attribute should a Christian ministry leader pursue?”
The American culture is saturated and obsessed with beauty and physicality. Ads, shows, books, blogs, you name it and there is someone telling you that you what you need to do to be more beautiful or handsome. While this world puts a high value on the way people look, that ought not to be the focus within the church. But the church has been infected with this shallow concept of image. This writer knows of a church that was looking for a new preach and in the add they actually put down that the minister must be good looking. It appears that some think that someone considered ugly could not possibly preach the gospel or lead a congregation. At the end of the day one should not give much thought to physicality at least in the area of outward attractiveness. …show more content…

A leader ought to have good hygiene, eat well, and exercise. Why? Because if they do they will be better able to do the job God has called them to do. A leader that is eating right, exercising, and taking care of their hygiene is less likely to get sick and more likely to have the energy needed to work long hours with less burnout.
“If intellectuality is to learn and understand, and to proffer solution to problems, how much of intellectuality dimension does a ministry leader needs to be effective in ministry?”
If one refers to the testing and scoring found in the textbook it appears that a leader who is excelling in this area would score around 90%. If the leader is below 80% it would seem that the leader might want to grow in this area (Sampson, 2011, Kindle Locations 1093-1096). A leader should always desire to grow, mature, and strengthen those areas related to leading well that are