How Did Abu Bakr Contribute To The Rise Of The Roman Empires

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After the Prophet (P) passed away there was confusion and chaos regarding the actual death of the Prophet, as well as who would be his successor. Because of the Prophet’s death, many tribes rebelled and refused to pay Zakat, because they believed it was only for the Prophet (P). There also had been a large number of frauds claiming to be prophets and through this more uprisings came about. This also caused the Persian and Easter Roman empires to threaten the new-born Islamic state at Medina. Abu Bakr, the first chosen Caliph, had to deal with these problems before he could truly begin his reign. These revolting tribes attacked Medina, but Abu Bakr was prepared and led his men to protect the city. He also was very persistent in dealing with the false prophets, who confessed their truth and returned to Islam. Abu Bakr also took responsibility of the army the Prophet organized, under Usama’s command. Another leader of an army, Khalid bin Waleed was sent to lead his men, where he won against attacking the Romans. Another important contribution Abu Bakr made for Islam was that he compiled the collection of verses of the Quran. Abu Bakr reigned for twenty-seven months. His reign strengthened …show more content…

Multiple colleagues of Abu Bakr were against his ruling based on how Omar was known to be aggressive. The interesting thing is that when Omar began his reign, he became known as merciful and kind, through his actions. His most notable achievement was how he massively expanded Islam, including Egypt, Iraq, Palestine and Iran. He also provided the Islamic regime with an organizational structure, where he established a treasury, army and public revenues. New cities were founded, new roads were developed, and aid for the poor was given from public funds. He even provided rights for non-Muslims and protection to non-Muslims, if they paid tax. Omar chose six people to decide who would be the next Caliph, and the choice was between Uthman and

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