How Did Alice Walker Impact The Civil Rights Movement?

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As Alice finished high school at the top of her class she got a scholarship to spelman college in Atlanta, but she later switched to Sarah Lawrence college in New York City. After college Alice was a teacher, a social worker and a lecturer. She later became active in the civil rights movement. Her experiences informed her first collection of poetry. Alice Walker promoted equality for African Americans during the civil rights movement through her works The Color Purple, Meridian and The Temple Of My Familiar. Alice Walker’s text The Color Purple impacted the Civil Rights Movement. Walkers third novel The Color Purple takes place in the early 1900´s and it explores the life of a female african american in the life of its narrator Celie. Celie is abused by her husband in the story and the story has won 2 awards, the Pulitzer prize for fiction and the National book award for fiction. “I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ask. And that in wondering bout the big things and asking bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things …show more content…

Meridian Hill is from Chicokema, Georgia and she has a illness that gives her fainting spells and paralysis. "That night, after The Wild Child was buried in an overgrown corner of a local black cemetery, students, including Anne-Marion, rioted on Saxon campus for the first time in its long, placid, impeccable history, and the only thing they managed to destroy was The Sojourner.".After the child was buried, all the students rioted on campus for the first time in a long time. And the kicked out the person that resided there for a short period of time. This novel was written to show how much african americans suffered during segregated