How Did Cesar Chavez Change The World

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Cesar Chavez, a man who changed the world once said, “Perhaps we can bring the day when children will learn from their earliest days that being fully man and fully woman means to give one’s life to the liberation of the brother who suffers”(Adrian Carrasquillo). Cesar Chavez was an important figure in American History because he dedicated his life to improving the treatment, pay, and working conditions in the field for farm workers. He knew what all of the workers felt, and wanted to stop it. Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma, Arizona on March 31, 1927. Chavez was named after his grandfather, Cesario Chavez. He had brothers, Richard and Librado, and had sisters, Rita Chavez Medina and Vicki Chavez Lastra. His parents, Juana Estrada Chavez and Librado Chavez, were immigrants. Chavez’s parents thought education was important, although Cesar did not. Chavez said he remembers listening to a lot of racial remarks. He was only ten years old when he started working in the fields. After that, education was …show more content…

Also, they helped him start his career. Other influences on Cesar were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an influence because he provided resources, public relations, and emotional support to Latino Civil Rights Movements. Mahatma Gandhi was an influence because both Chavez and Gandhi believed that non-violence was not the answer. Joining CSO was the beginning of his career. He organized a union that would protect and serve the farm workers. Cesar learned that you cannot protect everyone and everything, but he still never gave up. In order to do the jobs that he did, he would have to overcome the fear of the unknown. When he started his jobs, he knew there was going to be danger involved. He knew every time he went on a march there would be the possibility of death. He always stayed