How Did Darwin's Theory Of Evolution Evolve

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First, theories evolve and change for many different reasons. One theory that evolved a lot because of new evidence was Darwin's theory of evolution and how species evolve and adapt. There was also the theory about gradualization that changed and adapted over time. A more recent theory was about drugs killing all the bacteria in your body instead of just some. Theories evolve because of new evidence, new ideas, and people changing their minds through logic. Additionally, Darwinism is one example of how new evidence can help a theory to evolve. Darwin came up with the theory of natural selection which is the theory that animals adapt to their environment. As explained in evidence for any problems with Darwins theories “Darwin’s theory of natural selection rested on three kinds of evidence: (1) fossils, which showed that species have changed; (2) geographic distribution, like the data he collected on the Galapagos Islands, which showed that species are descended from local ancestors, not products of deliberate engineering by a creator; and on (3) homologies, or unexpected similarities between species.” Charles Darwin came up with natural selection which meant the animals were slightly mutated to fit their environment. Charles Darwin sailed around the world to mostly tropical places and found fossils that had adapted to their …show more content…

Graduilization was the theory that adaption happened slowly and over time. Then the idea of natural selection was created and that caused gradualization to evolve into Darwinism. As stated in Genetics “The mutation process, in short, supplies the building blocks of evolution. With this discovery, the biologists of the 20th century started to unravel the mechanisms of that evolutionary process.” Gradualization meant that the mutation process dragged on for a long period of time. Darwinism meant that the mutation process took very little time and moved