
Tikaalik Research Paper

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The evolution theory is supported by very many discoveries and experiments. Evolution provides explanations for why there are so many organisms on planet earth and with each a very different or specific type of trait. Researchers have recently found the fossils of Tiktaalik on a river bank in Canada. This species is another point of evidence to help prove the theory of evolution. The idea of evolution is the basis to our modern understanding of biology in the natural world. It can be seen in every aspect from genetics of corn to the genetic material found in the SARS virus. The fossil named Tikaalik is another link in the chain holding the theory of evolution together. This discovery is one of the many to show the importance of evolution in …show more content…

This is because the fossils that were discovered had a more durable built structure able to withstand a different environment.The evidence from the fossils supported the idea that certain species had the stronger traits and were able to move from water to land. A transitional fossil is any form of a fossil showing physical evidence that a change in the genetics of the organism has occurred at some point in time. After the team of researchers made their discoveries on the Island of Ellesmere, they decided to expand their search in a specific region far north of Canada. The team discovered evidence that rock sediments were deposited around the same time of the transitional changes of the fossils found and contained their investigation for four summers. In the fourth summer the team made a discovery that would add solid evidence to the evolution theory. The finding of the fossil remains of “Tiktaalik” led the team to conclude that there was indeed a form of evolution. The physical appearance of Tiktaalik suggested that over years and years of generations, certain traits were acquired in order for for the species to survive the changes of the environment. These changes can be referred as biological evolution. Biological …show more content…

As a result of the combination the DNA, of the offsprings can undergo changes known as mutations. As we learned more about evolution, we as a dominate species gathered that knowledge and put it to action for our survival. Evolutionary selection played the role of the domestication of wheat by letting survival of the fittest in terms of the plant matter to be able to combine and produce only the best and suitable wheat for consumption. Another example of how evolution played a role in a resource we have today is corn-based fuel. Corn-based fuel is specifically based off natural selection. This is possible because of corns existing molecules that are compatible with other chemicals. Thus allowing techniques to create new enzymes, making corn capable to be converted to agricultural wastes and transforming it into ethanol. Over time scientists have gathered a sufficient amount of evidence on evolution. In terms of science, has evolution become a scientific theory or fact? Evolution can be described both as a fact, and theory. However the theory of evolution will always be under research as more new areas of the subject emerge along with new and

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