How Did Flippo Brunelleschi Influence Architecture

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In a time of rebirth and revival of classical thinking into something new, Filippo Brunelleschi thrived as an inspirational architect, sculptor and artist from Italy. He combined both Greek and Roman traditions, with the modern age Renaissance thinking to create a new and defined style of architecture and art. He was also well-known for creating the linear perspective. This develop a new type of technique for rendering three dimensional objects and a sense of depth on a two dimensional surface. One of Brunelleschi's most influential work is the Dome of the Cathedral of Florence, it clearly illustrated Roman influence on architecture during the Renaissance. Many of his works are located in many places like at the museum, cathedral, and houses. Not only he is famous for creating the dome of Florence but also known for being …show more content…

The Baptistery is one of the oldest buildings in the city of Florence and it was constructed between the 1059 and 1128. In which the relief panels will be located on the north side of the baptistry. The cloth guild, were very specific about what they wanted. The Cloth Guild wanted a certain amount of bronze. They told the sculptors that they wanted the subject matter of the old testament, the sacrifice of Isaac. They were specific about the number of figures that should be included in the relief panel. They wanted all the panel to be in a quatrefoil design, which is a type of framework that is consist of a symmetrical shape in which it created the overall outline of the four partially-overlapping circles of the same diameter. The competition was held for which seven competitors submitted the trials relief of the Sacrifice of Isaac. In which, Filippo Brunelleschi entered the competition and was rejected in favor of Lorenzo Ghiberti’s