How Did Greek Culture Contribute To The Development Of Rome?

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There are several factors that provided Rome with easy access to Greek development. Firstly, Greece's location just across the Mediterranean sea from Italy was an advantage for merchants and travelers. Greece also had several settlements in Italy including in Campania. The fall of Greece to Rome during the Republic is probably the most significant factor t because it allowed Greek culture to further impact Roman. Will Durant explains in Caesar and Christ: The Story of Civilization, Volume III that in response to Roman Greece the “Greek conquest of Rome took the form of sending Greek religion and comedy to the Roman plebs; Greek morals, philosophy, and art to the upper classes. These Greek gifts conspired with wealth and empire in that sapping of Roman faith and character which was one part of Hellas’ long revenge upon her conquerors” (2011). Durant mentions that the Hellenistic Age greatly deteriorated the Roman faith, but interestingly enough early Roman religion was greatly shaped by Greek faith. …show more content…

The main Roman godsn were if not heavily influenced by the Greeks were adopted from them. Their gods influenced their ethics, art, architecture, and their laws. Greek mythology was a popular theme for art. The scenes and deities that Roman frescoes and sculptures captured were the ideal and humanized ones that the Greeks introduced. The Romans also valued the simple yet elegant geometric design of Greek temples. Art and religion Roman art suffered its own identity crisis for a while. Greek art dominated the Roman art scene so much so that Roman artist would often replicate it for their own market. During the Hellenistic Age and when materialism was at its height in Rome, their