How Did Henry Ford Impact The World

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Who is Henry Ford? Although many people have heard his name;what has he accomplished that has had such an impact on our world today? While Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile, he still had an immense role in the future of the automobile. Henry Ford was an astonishing inventor who revolutionized automobiles. Even in his young age he would always work hard and had a creative mind for new creations, he restructured the automobile by creating the one-cylinder gasoline engine;and even constructed the Model T motorcar and transfigured the assembly line in ways never thought of, that transformed the automobile from a creation of the unknown to an invention that would go forward to have an enormous impact on the 20th century. Henry Ford was born …show more content…

The Quadricycle was built with four bicycle wheels and a light metal frame which was completed in the year of 1896. Set on improving Ford sold the Quadricycle during this time he got many interests in him from numerous inventors for several years. Who helped him forge the Henry Ford company. Ford left this company due to the fact of his need to always improve, his partners were impatient to put out a passenger automobile on the market and didn't understand the gravity of what Ford’s bigger mission was. After his departure it later became known as Cadillac Motor Car Company. The next coming year he founded the Ford Motorsports Company. After a month the first Ford car was built, a two-cylinder 8 horsepower car named the Model A. This Model A was a huge disappointment and both Chevrolet and Chrysler outsold the Model-A and later on the car was discontinued. Henry Ford was dedicated to a proficient and dependable automobile which resulted in the Model-T. The Model-T ,also referred to as “Tin Lizzie”, flourished fastly. Because the automobile was so successful he would go on to revolutionize the American industry by making mass production plants.The mass production methods remarkably decreased the time to produce an automobile, which lowered cost and made it more affordable. Though