How Did John Adams Impact The Boston Massacre

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During class, we watched a video about John Adams and how he impacted the Boston Massacre. The video and the actual event have many differences, I think HBO did a good job at getting the gist of what the trial was like but they messed up on a ton of things. Some things they messed up was the characters and the trial results. HBO also got some things correct such as John Adams wife and the harassment the soldiers suffered. I’d say that the video was about 35% correct.
The video said that there was a character named holmes. Holmes isn’t in the actual event which kinda makes you wonder why was he added into the video if he wasn't actually in the trial. My guess is because HBO wanted to make it more interesting. I learned this crazy fact while I was reading the “individual accounts & testimonies”. I believe that his full name in the video is Andrew Holmes. Holmes gave a testament in the video so as I skimmed through the reading and realized that Holme’s name wasn't there I knew that HBO inaccurately portrayed the real version of the Boston Massacre. Another mess up …show more content…

In the video, John Adams was married to Abigail Adams which is true. Abigail Adams played a big role in the video, she helped John Adams out in the trial by telling him to talk about “ No taxation without representation” which in turn I think lead to John Adams winning the trial. So when it said that John Adams did actually have a wife named Abigail, I knew HBO didn't mess everything up. Another thing the video got right was the harassment the soldiers went through. People would throw things at the soldiers such as oyster shells, ice, snowballs, and clubs. If you were a soldier you would go through terrible harassment and mockery. Colonists would scream things at the soldiers such as “ GO BACK TO ENGLAND” and much more. If you were a soldier going through all this, wouldn't you want to fight