How Did Ladovico Buonarroti Simoni Influence Michelangelo

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Michelangelo di Ladovico Buonarroti Simoni was born on the 6th of March 1475 in a small village located in Caprese, Italy. Due to the birth of Michelangelo the family was forced to move back to Florence. When he was only 6 years old his mother, Francesca di Neri del Miniato di Siena passed away due to a serious illness. By the age of 13 Michelangelo was given the pleasure of being apprenticed to the well-known painter Domenico Ghirlandaio which l year later triggered leading citizen and art patron of Florence, Lorenzo de’ Medici to be drawn to the amazing talent of Michelangelo. He lived with the Medici family while he attended Lorenzo’s school where he got his education. With the tragic death of Lorenzo in 1492, Michelangelo decided to return to live with his father. Michelangelo was sent to study the topic of grammar with humanist Francesco da Urbino but it wasn’t in his …show more content…

His father, Ludovico Buonarroti, played a negative influence on Michelangelo as he did not approve on his strong interest in art and architecture. Michelangelo’s mother died when he was only young which meant that she didn’t get the opportunity to have an influence on his career in art. Lorenzo Medici had a tremendous influence on Michelangelo as he brought his talent to the attention of several people. Not only did Lorenzo himself have an influence on Michelangelo but so did Lorenzo school. Michelangelo attended Lorenzo school where he was significantly influenced by people who altered and expanded on his ideas in the area of art. Scholars and writers in Lorenzo’s intellectual circle had a massive influence on Michelangelo as he learned and was inspired by them. During his lifetime as a very well-known figure of the Renaissance he was known to have had very few friendships. It is clear that Lorenzo and people involved with him were the major influences on Michelangelo and his career in the area of