How Did Lemaitre Contribute To The Rise Of The Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang theory was originated by Georges Lemaitre in 1926 and Edwin Hubble contributed to the theory in 1929. This theory describes how the universe and planets were created. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began 13.7 million years ago. The universe was compacted into a dense singular point. This singular point expanded due to a hot explosion and released matter in different directions. Once it cooled down, stars and galaxies formed and all the energy and matter, started to expand and till this day the universe is still expanding.

During the 20th century there were scientific developments that led to the theory. In 1910, Vesto Slipher and Carl Wilhelm Wirtz both established the fact that most spiral galaxies were gradually …show more content…

Other astronomers believed that it is plausible, such as George Gamov, who had suggested that if the universe is actually expanding, then at the beginning it must have been small and hot. Others disagreed and still believed that the universe was static, such as Fred Hoyle, who mocked Lemaître and came up with the name ‘Big Bang theory’. In 1948, Hoyle proposed the ‘steady state theory’, which states the new matters are created due to galaxies moving away from each other and that the universe was …show more content…

This theory was supported by other astronomers who observed cosmic microwave background and galaxy redshifts. In the early 21st century, telescope technology became more advanced and more satellites were created e.g. the Hubble Space Telescope. Due to the advanced technology astronomers are able to precisely calculate and measure parameters of the Big Bang, such as if the expansion of the universe is accelerating or not, or if the universe is made up of 90% of dark matter. Around 2003 and 2010, NASA was able to take detailed pictures of the universe and this showed that the universe was around 14 billion years old.
To conclude, the Big Bang Theory was founded and developed by many astronomers over a long period of time. Till this day, The Big Bang theory is still being looked into by NASA, CERN and other organisations and found other matter, that were the aftermath of the Big Bang. For example, in 28 February 2018, there were reports that scientists may have found stars that were created just shortly after the Big Bang. We are trying to find answers of what exactly caused the explosion and also to delve deeper into the