How Did Liberalism Contribute To The American Revolution

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“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” These words, stated at the end of the Declaration of Independence (US 1776), proclaimed the English American colonies independent from Great Britain. However, before declaring independence, there was a sequence of events and influences that lead to the American Revolution and also the Mexican Revolution. Liberalism, among other revolutionary ideas, played a part in the American Revolution and the Mexican Revolution. Liberalism was a political philosophy emphasizing individual liberty in a person’s social, religious, and economic life. According to Liberal ideas, humans had initially lived in a “state of nature,” a time where there was no government or laws, there was complete equality, and individuals had absolute freedom. Then stronger people to violate weaker people’s rights, so governments were instituted to …show more content…

Other factors inspired the revolutionaries of the two revolutions as well. Republicanism was one of these causes. Republicanism was a political idea stating that the government is simply a representative of the people and that the government’s authority comes from the citizens, since the people had established the government to protect their rights. A second element in bringing about the American Revolution was the grievances made by the British king and Parliament. In addition, the Great Awakening in America led to the development of democracy. Furthermore, the American and French revolutions as well as injustices in the government of New Spain were influences in bringing about the Mexican