How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Led The Haitian Revolution

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Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) He “tamed” the revolution in 1799 He was important because he coded the secular law and reconciled with the Catholic church-Eventually he was brought down(1815), which “ended” the French Rev (FR). Karl Marx(1818-83) He wrote about the instability of the Industrial Rev(IR). He was important because he didn’t see the ability to reform the social society of the class-less peoples. Toussaint Louverture(1743-1803) Led the Haitian revolution He’s important because he led the Haitian Revolution, which led to the slavery elimination and the Republic of Haiti. Young Turks(1820’s) They wanted Westernized politics. They were important because they were granted a coup in 1826 that placed a more conservative ruler. …show more content…

The increase in use of non renewable products(coal, and oil) will start to affect the world in many ways. Apartheid(1940’s) The most extreme case of racial segregation in South Africa. This created an industrialized based economy with a lot of cheap African labor-limited African social and political powers. Taiping Uprising(1850-69) Peasants were led by Hong Xiuquan to South China to capture Nanjing. Successful capturing of Nanjing-made it their capital-weakened Qing state, and led to a massive civil war and killing 20-30 million people. Trans-Siberian railroad(1861) Migration of Serfs to Siberia Russia freed the Serfs and it led to a massive migration-Mass movement of people from rural to urban Boxer uprising(1898-1901) An anti-foreign uprising It increased dependency, growing number of Chinese study groups. Factory workers made a lot of money, but they didn’t earn enough to change up their social classes. The economy was grew along with the growth of steel and oil industries. Women and children became more important to their families. Industrialization helped determine the differences between upper and lower