
How Did Napoleon Bonaparte The Cruel And Enlightened Revolution

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Napoleon Bonaparte- the Cruel and Enlightened Dictator Tyranny is when one ruler or a group of rulers are in charge of the people. This seems to occur shortly after the end of the French Revolution. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, France was worn out by the French Revolution; however, a strong military official rose to power. This official was not of French origin, he was Corsican. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon conquered many lands and made many reforms to rebuild all of France’s territories. The majority of the reforms were viewed upon as beneficial, but these reforms were made to achieve his goal of becoming emperor of France. His many reforms allowed for France and its conquered lands to benefit both financially and economically. …show more content…

The majority of these reforms were made to please the citizens, which would allow him to remain the ruler. Some reforms included giving bourgeoisie jobs in government and army, lowering prices of food for the lower class, allowing for the lower class to keep their land from the Revolution, offering pardons to nobles who fled France, balancing powers of Church and state, drawing of the Napoleonic Code(a code of rights), and supporting and supervising education. One example of a benefit is that lowering the prices of food allowed for more purchased within the country bringing the economy up. Also, these reforms allowed for only some citizens of the conquered lands to have a better place in government and society. Hence the conquered lands usually consisted of middle and lower classes, they benefitted from the reforms. With all of these beneficial reforms, everyone who supported Napoleon believed that he would allow for France to regain its power and become the European power. They saw potential in him and trusted that he would be a liberator that would help benefit France in the long-run; however, they did not know that they were being

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