How Did Reginald Punnett Make An Invention Called The Punnett Patterns

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Dionna Johnson~Chapter 3 Paper~11/3/15

Reginald Punnett made an invention called the punnett squares. The punnett squares are useful for predicting what the offspring will come out to look like when mating two eggs together. Reginald Punnett was also a mathematician, he came up with these predictions in the year of 1905, a long time after another inventor name, Gregor Mendel. Punnett squares uses Gregor Mendel's experiment by, alleles. Alleles control's certain things, like the dimples on your face or what color hair you might have.
When Punnett was an undergraduate, Gregor Mendel's inheritance was overly unknown and unappreciated to people. But in 1900, Mendel's work was rediscovered, by a man name William Bateson. William ended becoming an advocate of Mendelian genetics. Reginald Punnett and William Bateson helped initiate the new science of genetics at Cambridge. They also rediscovered genetic linkage through experiments with chicken and pea plants. …show more content…

The first Author Balfour professor of genetics when Bateson left in 1912. In that same exact year, Punnett was elected to be a fellow of the Royal Society. He also got a society darwin's medal, in 1922. During World War l, Punnett successfully applied his expertise to the problem of the early determination of gender in chickens.

Reginald Punnett became a zoology enthusiast during his years at Caius College in Cambridge. He studied worms, wrote about several papers on the subject. Even had a few species of worms named after him! In the year of 1904, Reginald Punnett read a report about genetic researches and became interested in the budding field. Reginald Punnett and Gregor Mendel worked hard to prove the Mendelian factors that had so fascinated Bateson and other, since 1900. Using domestic chickens and sweet pea plants, they were able to confirm and extend Mendel's

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