How Did Romans Contribute To Western Civilization

460 Words2 Pages

Throughout history, many long lasting contributions have been made by the Romans and Greeks to Western civilization. They formed colonies and laid the foundation for many new generations. The Roman and Greek contributions to Western cavillation can be noticed everywhere, from our communication to our politics, infrastructure, sports, science, and many others. This paper will elaborate on the three major contributions by the Romans and Greeks to Western civilization. It will elaborate on the attention of Democracy, Architecture, and law.
One of the most notable contribution of the Romans and Greeks to Western cavillation, was in democracy. During their ruling, Greeks formed their city-sates, where each citizen voted in how the government should …show more content…

Their contribution to Western civilization, was the idea of being able to choose and elect their officials. The Romans were responsible for making sure that there were checks and balances in their system. Although, people were not able to elect their leader, they could still elect their officials who could reject certain decisions made by the Senate.
Additionally, the Romans and Greeks made contributions to the Western civilization in the world of the architecture. For instance, study of the mathematic by the Greeks, helped create and develop innovative ways, such as exact measurement of angles and rows of columns.
Furthermore, the Romans invented concrete, developed aqueducts to transport water long distances and underground sewage systems. This level of invention, describes the type of engineering we could see now days.
Among many other characteristics of Greek culture that have influenced Western civilization was the law of Athens. The law of Athens was the beginning of a legal court system in Greece, which had played a major part in developing basic rules and procedures for the system in criminal justice we could still see now days. The citizens of Athens could have representation in court. Their court was consisted of the judges and juries, where minor cases were handled by the judges and some major cases by the