
How Did Steve Jobs Create A Free Enterprise

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Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, has one of the most successful companies in the world and free enterprise is an important reason. Free enterprise is a system that provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions without restrictions from the government. Jobs was able to use free enterprise to create new products the consumers wanted, compete with other sellers without the governments rules and start his business from the very bottom. The free enterprise system allowed Steve Jobs to create products the people wanted. His products were able to improve as more products came out and he was able to look at how he could improve his products. Because of free enterprise, the demand for his products became high because his launches were successful from the beginning. His products were constantly changing and coming out every year. As he told Playboy in 1985, “in order to learn how to do something well, you have to fail sometimes… most of the time, the people who come to you with ideas don’t provide the best ideas. You go seek the best ideas out, and that takes a lot of time" (Hanson). Some believe that Apple was launched by the government and how they used these products; however, from free enterprise, Apple started from the bottom …show more content…

Jobs and his partner created their first successful computer and if it weren't for competition and free enterprise it might have ended there. In order to beat the competition, Jobs had to continue expanding and coming up with more advanced technology. Some think that Apple products may have still continued even if America was under a capitalist system. Although, this could not be true because if America was under this system, the government regulation would not allow the progress he was making to continue and Apple would have never reached the success it has

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