How Did The Cold War Affect American Society

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The cold war impacted the U.S. Domestic Policy and American society in many ways. The cold war actually wasn’t really even a physical war it was more tension between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II which added the threat of a potential arms war against the countries. It spread fear among the American people. US citizens feared Russian spies living in the US, nuclear attacks, and potential chemical warfare. Due to these fears and threats policy was changed and society was affected in the daily life of Americans. Some changes in the U.S. Domestic policy included an Executive Order that was issued in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, which stated that “Membership in, connection with or sympathetic association with any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group or combination of persons, designated by the Attorney General as …show more content…

There was a constant fear that a bomb would be dropped on the US at any time. The US even went as far as trying to prepare children for a potential nuclear bomb attack on the US. One example of this is the Federal Civil Defense Administration 1951 created a “Duck and Cover” cartoon that was published and broadcasted in schools. It was a cartoon made to teach children what to do if the US came under attack, “duck and cover.” This cartoon and bomb awareness came about after, “The USSR successfully tested the atomic bomb in 1949 and Truman responded in 1950 by ordering the US to develop the more powerful hydrogen bomb”. The American public became fearful of nuclear attack and also started creating fallout shelters and marketed them to the general public including education and guidance on how to effectively stalk up food supplies that will last a long period of time if a nuclear war did start and people needed to be secluded and hunker down in a fallout shelter for an extended period of time. The Americans were preparing for a nuclear attack on the