Inventions During The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution began because people wanted higher wages, newer inventions began to arise, and people began to advance their knowledge in agriculture. The inventions helped the factory workers produce goods easier and faster. The agriculture advancement helped increase the amount of crops to support the demand. There were also many helpful agricultural inventions that helped farmers plant crops and harvest them. The higher wages drew people into the factories. Many of them would actually leave previous occupations to work in factories. The factories also were usually always successful since the men were could multi-task and could cooperate with one another. This made the production of items extremely high and made the factories more successful. England’s geographic placement helped factories as well because they could buy, sell, and trade goods with other countries. They were near a lot of harbors and waterways which made it easier to trade using ships. Each part of the country was under seventy miles away from the water too. The new inventions is what began and helped the Industrial Revolution the most. Some of the inventions that were brought up were the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and …show more content…

There were a lot of agriculture inventions as well. A few of the inventions were the horse- drawn seed drill, stock breeding, and the mechanical reaper. The horse- drawn seed drill reduced the amount of wasted seed they would use, the stock breeding helped improve the quality of meat, milk, and wool, and the mechanical reaper made it easier to harvest grain. The idea of a four year crop rotation helped as well so the soil wouldn’t get worn out and dried up. Another farming method included enclosure which made the soil a lot healthier and stronger letting it be used more to produce crops. These methods and inventions played a huge part in the Industrial