How Did The New Deal Lead Up To The Great Depression

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The Roaring Twenties was a decade of apparent prosperity, and it has forecasted the impending disaster which will stun America as if they were assassinated. On “Black Tuesday” of October 29, 1929, millions of stocks were sold in a panic and led to the Great Depression. The Americans lost jobs, savings, and hopes, resulting in a poverty situation throughout the nation. Despite cautious Herbert Hoover, who had no hands to reach to the citizen, Franklin D. Roosevelt became active in government intervention and countered the Great Depression with the New Deal programs. The New Deal proved to be “revolutionary” reconstruction while it caused isolationism within America and nationalism throughout the world. In the early years of the Great Depression, Americans distrusted the banks since “Black Tuesday” that caused their laborious life. In some cases, not only their saving disappeared in vain, they fell into the depth of debts because of the investments with credits. FDR and his Hundred Days Congress were responsible for relief, recovery, and reform over banking issues. They steadily reopened the banks that have been closed since the declaration of a national banking holiday. In addition, programs such as Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Securities and Exchange Commission provided relief and reform on banking system (The Americans, …show more content…

The major programs like Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration provided over 11 million conservation and construction jobs in total. The unemployed workers have granted a job with relief, which their enormous number contributed to the quick development and the recovery of the urban society (The Americans, Pg.517). Due to these programs, including Social Security Act, the unemployment rate dropped remarkably and FDR successfully provided longing relief to the Americans, regardless of age and