How Did The Theme Have Value/Knowledge To Share With The Children

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The Theme: Zoo Did the theme have value/ knowledge to share with the children? I think the theme had a lot of knowledge and value to the children. Many young children go to the zoo frequently to observe the animals and to learn about what they do. The zoo is a very educational place, so having a preschool day about the different animals, their tracks, and noises they make could help them on their next zoo trip. Was the theme age and developmentally appropriate? I feel as though that the theme was developmentally and age appropriate because like I said before children this age go to the zoo all the time. Also, I was not asking too much from the kids. I was not making them do things they weren’t able to do (i.e. making a 3 year old use scissors to cut). I think that my projects and activities were perfect for the age because they seemed to enjoy them and understand. At the age they are (3.5 to 5) they are able to use manipulative …show more content…

For the most part I think the children were motivated/ excited to participate. The only time I saw a real problem was during story time. The children did not answer the questions, but it could have been because it was early because they participated in the other activities. Was the student teacher able to hold the children’s interest during the activities? What might you have done differently? As stated above, during the story it seemed that they did not really have interest since they weren’t able to answer the questions. But there could have been a variety of reasons that they weren’t able to answer the questions. Such as, that I read too fast or that they didn’t really understand the concept of the story. If I was to redo my day I would probably choose another book to read that was easy to understand. Were there any unforeseen incidences that you had to deal with? There were no unforeseen incidences that I had to deal with. Was the classroom appropriately and creatively

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