How Did Women Gain Their Right To Equality In The Nineteenth Century?

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Sexism still exists in the world today! Did women and blacks not earn their rights to equality in the nineteenth century? People may think that they gained all of their rights but, they thought wrong. The company that constructed this ad is trying to bring social awareness to the problem of women not being equal. It is a problem that is somewhat overlooked. This ad is not really trying to sell anything. It is trying to get a point across. The images utilized in this ad helps you better understand the whole purpose. Stereotypes are used in this ad to better explain the problem that is addressed in the ad. Some of these stereotypes are the women or girl in the background is Muslim. Muslim women are one of the groups of women in the world that really do not have any rights. There are also white words at the bottom that say, “women need to be seen as equal.” This equals the subject of the ad perfectly. …show more content…

Society thinks that women should not work, they should just stay home and clean. To a certain extent women should be mothers if they have children. Not only are females put down but, blacks are looked at as a lower class as well. The audience for this ad is the world. It is meant to reach the world so that people will want to make a change. This audience has value because most of the world is women, therefore they should have rights just like everyone else. Another part of the audience is women of all ages. This ad is meant to get female 's attention so that they can make a change. There are many people in the world that would agree with the fact that women should be equal. It does not lean towards a certain race, ethnicity, or economic