How Did World War 1 Affect The Economy

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The occurrence of radical events across the world led to the immediate change of economic, political, and social attributes. In other words, most of these events created new social and economic approaches that benefitted not only the concerned nations but also the entire world. Some of the most deliberated global revolutionary happenings are the World War I, Civil War, and World War II among other movements (Kissinger, 1994). From the perspective of international studies, the accounts of pre and post-World War I are considered to have played major parts in improving the economies of many nations. To this end, trade relations and peace became paramount tools of enhancing the acquisition of different types of policies and supremacies (Holsti, 1991). For instance, literature states that the aftermath of World War I led to drastic economic, social, political, and cultural change in Africa, Asia, Europe, and in areas that were not directly involved. Therefore, this research paper explores the accounts of World War I era through the accounts of Kissinger’s diplomacy, Holsti Peace and War, and Van …show more content…

However, the quote “Germany was to serve as the hammer and not the anvil of European diplomacy,” ascertain that German leaders after Bismarck justified their compulsive efforts to expand the military reach and strength (Kissinger, 1994, p. 170). This occurred because Germany viewed itself as one that could forcibly understand home diplomacy and as the most imperious nation in Europe. Nonetheless, this ideology contradicted Bismarck’s impression of becoming anvil, or a platform for enhancing diplomatic relations (Kissinger, 1994). Lastly, Kissinger notes that certain qualifications such as Wilsonian idealism have triumphed across the 19th century to the 20th century where a nation such as America gained the strongest power in the United Nations

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