How Do Beer Advertisements Get Their Identity For Women?

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only ones allowed in her magazine. Penetrating the layer of idealogical products and corresponding advertisements is nearly impossible. Products directed to women are things like makeup and hair products, once again connecting consumption to the identity of women as someone who has to be “done up”. Through her journey to disrupt typical advertising she learned that liqueurs are a top offender for advertising to only men. Apparently men were thought to make the brand decisions. Instilling the identity of man as decision-maker, or leader. It takes Ms. Magazine 8 years to get their first beer ad (Steinman 2015, 274). The key thing beer advertisements sell is not beer, its masculinity. In this advertisement for beer, a flow chart is depicted. One for females one for males. The male flow chart only has four steps; a man, beer, a girl, and a bed. The female flow chart has about twenty. This advertisement is showing what it takes to …show more content…

This advertisement completely diminishes the need for long term relationships. Women are only taken to bed, after a night at the bar. Creating a simplistic identity for men, that negatively impacts women. Most men want and need more than just beer and sex to be happy, but this advertisement tells them to forget about the rest. That in order to be man you have to be simple, and care only about two things. This is problematic for men because their needs are not met. To be a female in relation to this advertisement, happiness is based on romance, objects and having a family one day. Which does not seem like a bad thing, in fact its more realistic. Both men and women look forward to having families some day. But with the copy reading “Thank God You're a Man” it says that men shouldn't aspire to these futures. It also puts simply being a female, as a negative thing. Men and women are equals, but this advertisement says being a man is easier and therefore leads to a better