
How Do Olympic Games Affect The Future Of Sport Tourism?

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1) Economic legacy. As the host of the 2024 Olympic games, the Brisbane city will become a destination for the sports fans from the international and domestic market. Thus, the profits of sport tourism will increase dramatically. Additional, the supporting from the sponsors will bring a large number of economic activities among the local organizations. Meanwhile, the participation of the sponsors will provide hundred thousand employment opportunities for residents, such as volunteering and venue management.
2) Infrastructure legacy. Undoubtedly, the host city will construct many new infrastructures to meet the needs of the Olympic games, which comprise airports, sporting venues and villages, as well as the new traffic system. All of those facilities …show more content…

1) Sponsors. When it comes to sponsors in the Olympic games, the operations will consider the commercial organizations (Girginov, 2012). Cooperating with the sponsors, the implementation of legacies will receive a considerable amount of financial supporting and achieve the effectiveness of legacy goals (O'Toole et al., 2005). In addition, as a crucial part of the legacy goals, the sponsors would contribute to expanding the concept of the positive legacies in their market industries through the marketing communications.
2) Governmental Organizations. The governmental organizations, including the city council, the tourism bureaus, the state and national governments, are essential to attain the legacy goals due to they can act as legacy planners, process deliverers and policy designers (Matheson, 2010). Also, in order to prove the considerable expenditure in achieving the legacy goals, the participation of governmental organizations would ensure a positive, long-lasting and tangible legacy benefit after the Olympic games (Girginov,

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