How Do The Devices Used Prior To The Renaissance

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[ The central focus of my learning unit is the Renaissance, what lead to it, and what was a result of it. In Lesson one, students will learn about the factors that lead to the Renaissance, as well as the new ideas and inventions to come out of the Renaissance through a gallery walk. Lesson two will take a more in depth look at the printing press and how this lead to the further change of ideas and development of intelligence in society. Lesson three would introduce the Reformation, which is a direct result of the Renaissance. The first misconception students may have is that the Renaissance had only to do with art. The misconception would be addressed by discussing the various other inventions and ideas to be introduced during the Revolution. …show more content…

It also shows students abilities to understand facts and use discourse and syntax in order to form complete claims, which are supported by evidence. It demonstrates students ability to form conclusions about the lesson in front of them. In Lesson One I will use higher order thinking questions in order to ascertain students level of comprehension of basic concepts surrounding the Renaissance. Questions like “What does rebirth mean when talking about culture?” in addition to “How do the inventions of the Renaissance compare with the devices used prior to the Renaissance?” Along with the gallery walk being conducted, students will be given a graphic organizer, which will help them organize their thoughts about new inventions and ideas presented during the Renaissance. An informal assessment of a 3-2-1 summary will be conducted to assess student understanding. Students will be given the chance to reflect on their learning. They will organize their thoughts, summarize, and prioritize important ideas. Lesson two, will explore the effects of the printing press and how this mass production of literature changed society. Students will be shown a short video of a modern printing press used for newspapers, and asked why they think something like this would be important during the Renaissance era. After that, students will examine primary source material in order to produce logically sound arguments for the in class debate. The primary source material will be scaffolded for students in order to ensure comprehension of documents. The debate will consist of students who are in favor of the printing press and people who are against the printing press, in relation to time. They will represent the emotions of people and groups from that time. After conducting the debate, students will be asked to write an exit pass, explaining why the printing