How Does Bernard Marx Use Soma In Brave New World

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In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, there is a legal drug named soma. Soma is available to all of the citizens of World State. Soma is in tablet form, the citizens of World State take soma when they feel stressed, or if they need to relax, and if they need to feel happy. The Directors of World State like it when they their citizens take soma because it distracts them from what is going on in the outside world. Many characters’ relay on soma, for example, Lenina. Then, there are also characters who don’t believe in soma. For example, Bernard Marx, and The Savage. Lenina is one of the main users of soma. She truly depends on it to survive. On Lenina and Bernard Marx first date, Lenina doesn’t understand why Bernard doesn’t take soma. …show more content…

Most of the time when I’m in the barn I lose track of time. I feel like I’ve only been in there a couple of hours and its been several. When I lose track of time that also makes my grades suffer, because then I have to rush to do my homework. It also takes away from time I could spend with family, and friend. I’ve actually been late to work a couple of times, because I’m in the barn too long. The soma in the novel is also dangerous to the citizens of World State, because it hides what is actually going on in their world. Soma doesn’t let the people of World State see how messed up World State is. Soma also doesn’t let the citizens of World State see their true self. Linda also overdoses on soma, because she feels like she doesn’t belong. In the novel, my soma is very similar to the novel version of soma. For example, I go to the barn to escape from everything going on in my world. Lenina takes six half-gramme of soma to escape a day of “queerness and horror.” Both somas are similar because they help escape from reality. When Lenina and Bernard go to the reservation, Lenina forgets her soma and she feels scared and lost without it. I feel that way when we are in a transition period at the farm. That means we had just sold our calves and we are waiting for new calves to come